Alan created our little writing group, which met at the secret Garden every month. I can't tell you what fun we had with Alan as our co-ordinator. We miss him greatly, but will carry on under the name of the Lockerby Writing Group in his memory. Liz Cole
Liz Liz Cole
30th April 2009
Memories from Al's sisters, Meg and Bren...
I remember when Al was only 3 weeks old and I was three, he was crying so I carried him downstairs and fed him crisps.
Holding my hand walking me to school – even when his friends probably thought it wasn’t very cool.
Al never seeming to mind when I tagged along with him and his friends as he got older.
Pretending we had a commune and inviting all our friends to stay when Mum and Dad were on holiday - but making sure we tidied up before they got back.
At Christmas, before Al had Ellie and Dunc …
he would come to our house at the crack of dawn and sit on our bed to watch Lindsay and Nick open their presents.
When Al was working for Vogue Buttons he would hide his car in our garage, so his bosses wouldn’t catch him, and then sing and play his guitar to Lindsay.
Every Christmas we would put on a play and have acts. Al would always be the producer and one year we put on a production of Oliver with Al and Ron sharing the part of Fagin as they both wanted the role so much.
As he was so thin when he was younger we all called Al ‘Boney’, except Lindsay, who for some reason called him ‘Bombin’.
Happy Saturday nights, too numerous to mention, with the Gang … Al and June, Roy and Doreen and Doug and Maggie - when we would put the world to rights, have animated, mostly drunken conversations - but above all, shared the greatest friendships.
Al giving me his wonderful HI-FI system because I didn’t have one -
and June looking on indulgently because she knew he was about to buy himself the latest hi-tech one.
Going on frequent holidays and adventures with the Gang. On one memorable holiday in Spain we had a villa with Greek statues around the pool. Al appeared totally naked with his ‘bits’ tucked between his legs and his swimming trunks on his head, and posed as a statue.
Al and June encouraging John when he was very unhappy at work 16 years ago. They supported him practically and emotionally when they helped him start his own business.
Al - always being there in times of joy and happiness as well as crisis and tragedy in our lives.
And in these last three years, when Al was less able to leave the house we spent the very best and worst of times with him. During these times we became even closer and would laugh and laugh. We sharing our thoughts and tested each other’s memories with questions about old films, old actors and TV programs - never remembering them straight away but getting there between us in the end.
Al – the very best brother and friend any two sisters could ever wish for.
Greg Andrews
23rd April 2009
Just heard the sad news. Alan, you will be sadly missed. I've spent many happy hours with your dark twisted sicko stories in writing class!
Much love to all the family,
Jess Hannar
Jess Hannar
22nd April 2009